Got Specs? You’re Probably Making these 3 Mistakes


We live in dusty cities and our lenses don’t like dust. Ever rubbed your eyes after a tiny particle of dust went in? Yes? Imagine the plight of your specs. So whether walking down a dusty road or just sitting at home watching dust motes float in the air (you know you do that), take a minute to rinse your glasses under a stream of lukewarm water or spray with cleaning solution. Then wipe with a clean soft cloth – 100% cotton or microfibre. Never “dry”-clean the lenses or you’ll be sure to get a scratch. And lots of scratches add up, making the glass less resistant to impact.



Even a slight misalignment of glasses can affect the vision. Putting on glasses with one hand, resting them on your head, pushing them up on the nose by pushing the bridge – these are all common mistakes that can distort the shape of your specs. When wearing or removing glasses, always use both hands and don’t do it with a helmet on. The best thing to do: Take the glasses a couple of times a year to the optician’s shop to get them to check the alignment, fit and make them like new.



Most specs these days come with an anti-reflection (AR) coating. This is easily damaged by dust and bad cleaning practice. Wiping your glasses on your shirt? No-o-o! If the shirt has any non-cotton blends, or any dirt on it at all, it will damage the coating. Other things that can damage it: window cleaning fluid, hot water, vinegar, paper towels, dirty microfibre wipes.

Of course, bad things happen and glasses break. They fall, you sit on them, the dog chewed them – whatever. For that, Toffee Insurance has a Chashma Care Insurance policy that you can buy.

Ask your optician if they give Toffee Insurance!

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