Bicycle Age: Keep the virus at bay

Heralding the Dawn of the Bicycle Age!

We are in a whirlwind of change right now and things are all over the place. As the winds settle and we take stock of what we really need and love, one thing will be clear: There is no getting around the fact that a Bicycle Age is about to dawn.

Yup. Trumpets and drumroll and you heard it here first. We are delighted, and only a little bit because of all the bicycle insurance we will sell. There are so many great things to look forward to in the Bicycle Age, that we thought we’d make a list of the Top 5.

  • Glorious clean air and blue skies. When we don’t have monstrous tin machines spewing fumes on our roadways, we do have space, and <deep inhale> healthy air. Finally!
  • Social distancing cannot happen in buses and metro. It just can’t. 8 people per bus or metro compartment? Yeah, good luck with that. So we’ll get a lot of people on bicycles and we need to make room for them.
  • Get ourselves moving! Reached the end of Netflix during the lockdown? And Youtube too? Well, here’s a public service message for you. All that inactivity cannot possibly be good for your immunity. We all need the fresh air, sunlight and exercise! Pro tip: If your commuting distance is too big, consider e-bikes.
  • The pleasure of riding. Don’t say you don’t like it. You can’t not like it. The wind in your face, the road under you, its poetry and freedom and all that is good in one 2-wheel package.
  • Absolutely no worries. Cue our plug for insurance. Really, it’s a great feeling to not have to worry about a stolen or damaged bicycle. So go ahead and splurge on that gorgeous bike you’ve been eyeing.

Need more reasons? (Really?) Well here’s a great one – cycling pictures look great on social media! Come, announce the start of the #BicycleAge. Tell all your friends, tweet to your government for better bicycle lanes and start pedalling!

Click here for cyclist insurance, made especially for you.

One Comment

  1. Vikas Rohtagi

    Cycle is cool….as predicted even before Covid by me the *Bicycle is new IN Thing*
    It has numerous advantages on health ,pocket ,fuel consumption and many more as listed in the article.
    Yes for sure for *Bicycle Insurance- toffee

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